Welcome to "TO ALL THE WORLD". We are a family ministry dedicated to reaching
the world with God's incredible love message of mercy and truth; sharing principles and lessons learned
from God's two books the Bible and nature. As you go through our pages you will find family videos,
music, books and character building crafts and supplies. Be sure to visit our DVD page to see our newest
Our video productions are a part of the Open Doors to Heaven Collection.
We are currently building two
series of DVD's in this collection, "The Two Paths" and "God's Call to Higher Ground." Both of these
series present deep truths to enhance character growth. Bible principles needed in the here and
now are brought forth in practical applications. As the DVD's capture lessons from nature, God's
character echos in all His creation. Truth made simple and inviting creates an open door for all to walk through.
--Thus came the name for our video productions
"Open Doors to Heaven collection". These videos as
well as our other materials are designed to be tools in the hands of parents, teachers, and children of any
"Except ye be converted, and
become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of
To plant the lessons learned assets
firmly in the mind, missions are demonstrated that children as well as adults
can accomplish. The missions teach the children that they can be missionaries now by enabling them to
see the opportunities open to them. Mission memory verses are put to song to be easily committed to
memory and to assist in gaining victories. Jesus is the only one through whom we can overcome,
"Not by might, nor by power,
but by My Spirit saith the Lord...."
The Bible and Nature are God's two books.
The song "Jesus loves me,
this I know," is so simple to sing; yet, in this world very few really know,
believe, or accept it. Do you? Come find a deeper experience with the One who loves you the most.